
We made it coincidentally a custom to travel on Saturdays. I'm totally a fan of day trips - no heavy luggages and accommodation savings. Some times back we visited Tewkesbury. It started at the Theoc House where we had the traditional English breakfast (geez so good) then we proceeded to the abbey and the secret garden. My favourite part was definitely walking down the narrow alleyways and seeing an astonishing view being presented live. Just all the things I love really! Fat sheep, humble cottages, rivers and boats... oh boy! Also my friend's girl came along so of course I couldn't miss the chance to snap a few for the lovebirds. Seeing couples sweetly sticking together always makes me smile! 

love, M

Gear: Nikon D7000 + Nikkor 50mm portrait lens; Editing: Photoshop Action, Valencia 

This entry was posted on Friday, 18 October 2013 and is filed under ,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

19 Responses to “Tewkesbury.”

  1. You guys are adorable :)


  2. sooooo cute!!! love all of your photos!!

  3. Feel so in love with ur photos!! ♥

  4. awwwwww such sweet couple photos!

  5. Such sweet photos! There is so much warmth <3

  6. You take such fantastic photos! Serious photo-envy going on here!


  7. That's a lot of photographs for one day but glad you took them. They give a sense of the world far beyond cities. But what is it with Brits and their BEANS for breakfast?

  8. What a gorgeous day out! I love how you captured your friend and his girlfriend- so much love in those pictures! I agree with you- day trips are something we should all do more of! It encourages spontaneity and adventure...something you can never have too much of!
    xoxo Amie @ Spoonful of Vintage

    1. Wow exactly what I think! So sweet of you xx

  9. Really love this series a lot! Beautiful as usual. :)


