Magical glow.

Models: Sheryl l Shu Kei l Nicole

I was again amazed by how magical natural light can be. Sometimes it is like a gentle whisper, blanketing the wheat field in shades of light yellow; the other it can be a harsh craftsman, contouring features and forming shadows. I must say it was an evening filled with delight, especially when you met young spirits who were all up for the love of photography but wouldn't mind posing in between. 

You can view the previous photoshoot at the same field [here]. Can't believe a year just went by like that! 

love, M

Gear: Nikon D7000 + Nikkor 50mm portrait lens; Editing: Photoshop Curve, Pastelle + Photoshop Action, Disposable Film

This entry was posted on Tuesday, 20 August 2013 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

14 Responses to “Magical glow.”

  1. These photos are absolutely beautiful! I always try to catch golden glows in my photos but never succeed. Xhat's the secret!? Maybe golden hour here isn't golden enough... xo

    1. Thank you! I don't specifically have a tip for that, as I sort of captured it as it is. You can try downloading 'Magic Hour' on iPhone to tell you the best time for photoshoots :)

  2. Have been waiting for this post!! So cool u guys meet up with each other and had photoshoot, wonder will you share more photos for the one with Amanda Mabel?

    Love ur photos <3

    1. Thank you! I will share the pictures soon together with Australia pictures. We didn't capture a lot though!

  3. mad love with all the photos :))

  4. oh wow...breathless. Beautiful light. Love them all. Great job !

  5. awesome photos as always. lovelovelove <3

  6. Love all the photos! So dreamy! And the models are so pretty and slim!!

    xx Mandy


