Departure gifts.

This morning my sweet sister surprised me with some loves. I've been eyeing this Bambi but it just simply cost too much so I didn't get it. I suppose the feelings of getting something you really love and want is heavenly indescribable! It's 100% handmade, with good wood. 

Gift box from Delectable. Love the vintage floral prints so much! 

Like the gift box isn't amazing enough by itself, I was surprised by more surprises inside - apple cinnamon cupcakes!! Home baked by sis. They taste the best!

Lastly, a self-designed envelope and letter. LOVE IT! Reminds me of the one the boyfriend made me last year :) 

Can't get my eyes off this treasure! <3 

Thanks so much! I love you :* 

Flight in hours. I gotta go catch a nap first! Bye :)

love, M

This entry was posted on Thursday, 13 September 2012 and is filed under ,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

6 Responses to “Departure gifts. ”

  1. omg how on earth did your sister make that envelope!! it's GORGEOUS. all the best in UK!! :-)

    1. (Yingggs)

      She used Photoshop! :) Yep, she's so talented! :D

      Thanks, love!


  2. Replies
    1. (DIY Zakka)

      Thank you, yep, it really is! :D


  3. Wow! :D

    all the best for your new adventure!
    just letting you know, I did a lil shout out to you on our blog! :)
    Just here if you wanted to have a look!
    Nothing special, just a link to your blog!

    wow! so excited for you! <3

    1. (V and V)

      Oh yes, I'm so excited for it! :D

      Aw, you're just too sweet! Thanks so much, you feature is really appreciated <3

      Wishing you a beautiful day!



